Monday, April 6, 2009

Week Eleven: Picasso, Leger, Shading, Composition

Everyone is blowing my mind with how you've improved your drawing! As we move into learning about shading and drawing realistically, the SLV Sketchers are showing they've got skillz! I really like how everyone dove in and took on the challenge of drawing the cubist style Picasso still life last week. And I think Fernand Leger's Le Cycleste was a breakthrough for many of you in drawing expressive lines.

Today, finish Leger's Chaise picture (the one with the chair and cow) and continue with Picasso's still life with the pitcher and apples. Remember to lightly sketch guidelines for the overall shapes in the composition before shading. On this drawing try NOT to draw heavy outlines, instead using gray tones to show different color values, such as the contrast between the apples and the plate they are on. Think about which direction the light source is coming from when making the darker shadows. Erasing the highlight areas would be a nice finishing touch. Hey everyone: no grid lines for today's Picasso still life. :)

There won't be a drawing challenge this week, so you can take time to finish the Picasso still life today and tomorrow in class. I know this week's schedule is tight, but those of you who finish the Picasso still life, and have time today or tomorrow, here's a little extra challenge: Compare the cubist Picasso still life you did last week to this week's realistic still life. Write about how they are different or the same. Explain whatever you can about your experience when drawing the two compositions. I'll post what you write on the blog.

Reference pictures: Click here

Remember, I'll help those of you who wish to pursue your own directions in drawing. Elvis got started with a cool drawing of a motorcycle, shown below. Talk to me about any ideas you have and we'll get you going.

Zach dropped in to draw last week and I hope he continues with the sessions! Great job of drawing lines and shapes in catching up with the rest of the class. Cool frog sketches! Keep working on sketching guidelines before finishing with final outlines, Zach.

I'll see you all tomorrow at 10:10 a.m. --Rob

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