Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Whoah! You took the time to draw guidelines, then finished with darker contour lines, creating a wonderful composition. Excellent job of including the details of the buildings and foliage, especially in the garden area. You did a great job of using darker lines to show the shadows of the grass on the wall. Very good use of cross-hatching, a variety of lines, and light and dark tones. Good job of showing the angled perspective of the buildings and walls. I really like the lines you used for the large tree that overlaps the building to the right.

Big improvement compared to your first lesson, Leif! I think the van Gogh drawing was a major breakthrough for you--everything you've been learning about drawing came together. You took the time to measure proportions, then focused on combining lines and shapes to form a composition. I'd like to see further development of your shading, like you did on the egret, shown below. You've got an excellent foundation to build on.

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